When you see a pile of newspaper stacking in your house, you will probably just think of contacting a recycle agent to retrieve it. However, you can actually create craft from old newspapertogether with your kids or if you are an elementary school teacher, you can get the kids to work together creating a newspaper box for their crafts. With you as the instructor and a guide at the same time, they will enjoy creating a new object out of waste paper. What you need is certainly used newspaper, glue, scissors, paint or just some ribbons of bright colors.

First, cut the used newspaper length wise into three equally wide strips to be folded into more or less five-centimeter strips. When lots of strips are ready, you can start the first step of weaving the strips. Using four strips, interweave the middle part of the strips. You can use glue or a staple to keep each strip overlapping each other to stay in place. Carry on with the weaving to the size of your preference. When you have reached the dimension you want, build the side of this craft from old newspaperby just folding all strips upwards and carry on weaving. When reaching the corners, you can just bend the side strips and the weaving continues. At the top edge, simply fold the end of the strip inwards and glue the strip end to the inside part of the box.

Now, you can see a box standing. To avoid a wobbly structure, make sure that you keep the interwoven strips glued to the overlapping strips. If you prefer painting the box to hide the newspaper’s pattern, you can paint both the outer side and the inside part of the box and then let the paint dry. For ornaments with ribbons, glue the ribbon on the top edge of the box so that the entire edge is covered with the pretty ribbon. At the final touch of this craft from old newspaper, you can glue a beautiful ribbon ornament on one side.
Newspaper Crafts for Kids
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