College students in many universities in the world have their own creativities. Their creativities will be very beneficial for other people. Thus, they make many inventions that are used for industry, communication and other aspects. For some people, the things called by inventions can be other things. Now, there are many students who have creativity in using newspaper creation for making money.

Newspaper creation is very useful for college students. The first reason of working on this creation is that they can get money from this creativity. The basic material of this creativity is newspaper. Those students usually use the second newspaper which is not needed by other people or can be called as a junk. There are many people that were read the newspaper and do not want to keep it for more days. The solution is by throwing the newspaper away from them. Moreover, there are many others who throw them away as those newspaper make the house to be full with that paper. Thus, the way out is by throw them or sell it to the people who want to sell it again as a second newspaper. From the seller, the students can get many newspapers for the invented creation. Furthermore, this creation which needs a small asset will be changed into great stuffs that you can sell them to other companies or stores.

When people ask about newspaper craft, they will think about what stuffs that they can make from the newspaper. They will imagine that it is just newspaper. It can be a wet think if it gets the water trouble. Thus, this kind of material is not match to make any kind of stuff as it is so fragile of water or fire. It means that the price of this creation is so low. However, the creativity from college students cannot be underestimated. Those students are so smart to make much stuff like photo frames, beautiful bags, cute boxes and other stuffs that are not possible to be made from newspaper. Moreover, you can combine this basic material with many cute things, such as wallet, hand phone, blackberry, clothes and other things. Having newspaper stuff is not embarrassing for you. It is so unique and beautiful if you are going with it. That is why the college students are very glad to make their creativity in many exhibitions, in internet and their own shops.
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